So probably in the future computers will take payment from clients and assign whores to fuck. It's interesting that the computer brain allows you to strangle and rape the brunette, but not to piss in her mouth. I thought he was going to strangle her, but he didn't. Apparently a mature man realized that then there would be no one to suck and poking his dick in the meat - in decent society is mauvais ton.
A mature mom picked up a pretty chick for her lover who played guitar and brought her to the house. She liked this body and offered to sleep with her lover. She did not hesitate long - a beautiful house, a clean bath, the care of the mistress herself and the cache contributed to the acceptance of this proposal. But the man acted hard - after she sucked his cock, he fucked her in the ass. I must say that in an ass like hers, I would also love to cum!
Well, he doesn't look like a Mormon, he's too good-looking and well-groomed. But the hooker girls are really cute. For some reason I liked the darker one the most, even though she looks like a simpleton, and overweight, as opposed to the blonde's model-like appearance. But she's more of a homebody. They could get along with that Mormon. Yeah, and she sucks at the end pretty good. The other Mormon, who had been sitting on the chair masturbating the whole time, instead of joining in, was funny.